Lesbian Immigration Support Group


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Lesbian Immigration Support Group

Lesbian Immigration Support Group

Last updated 18/05/24

"We are a group of women in Greater Manchester who support lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers and refugees. The group was set up in 2007 as an anti-deportation campaign for a lesbian from Sierra Leone. In February 2008 the campaign was successful, and she was given leave to remain in Britain. Due to the high profile of this campaign more lesbian asylum seekers contacted the group during this time looking for support. We therefore decided to continue as a general support group for lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers and refugees. The group now consists of several volunteers supporting a number of lesbian or bisexual refugees or women seeking asylum from countries such as Afghanistan, Jamaica, Liberia, Gambia, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Cameroon, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Iran, Namibia, South Africa, Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Somalia. Many of the women contacting us were looking for safe space, where they can be comfortable to tell their stories about their sexuality. The group gives these women a place to be themselves amongst other lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers, refugees and supporters. We also give whatever support we can, depending on the needs of the individual women (e.g. support through the legal process, petitions for individual women to support their fight to stay in Britain, help with grants for women given refugee status, etc OUR AIMS ARE: To provide a social network offering emotional support to lesbians and bisexual women currently applying for asylum and those refugees who have been granted leave to stay in the UK To offer practical support and assistance to members with current asylum applications based on sexuality and to ensure that our members are treated equally and with dignity during the often-inhumane asylum process. WHAT WE DO: Organising monthly meetings as a safe space for socialising, discussion of campaigns and legal cases and individual support needs. Accompanying women to appointments at Dallas Court, the Home Office and with solicitors and others as appropriate. Supporting immigration court cases by attending court hearings, standing as witnesses and writing statements of support. For most of our members the group is the only safe space they experience in which they can relax and be open about their sexuality and their experiences and make friends."

  • Social Activities and Community Groups
  • Self Referral
Contact Email
Contact Phone
07503 351 922
Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 18/05/24)