Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Stockport Council provides a wide range of services to support the local community. They work with families, children, and adults to offer assistance in areas like housing, education, health, and social care. Referral pathways include contacting local services directly or through council departments. Examples of their work include providing school admissions, housing assistance, and benefits support. They also focus on fostering community wellbeing by collaborating with health services and local organisations to ensure that residents have access to the resources they need for independent living.
Showing 4 of 4 entries
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council - Apprenticeship Store
The Apprenticeship Store is designed to be a friendly, welcoming, informal environment where customers can drop in at any time and obtain advice and help.
To Access:
Want to be an Apprentice? Unsure what Apprenticeship to do? Would you like to be informed of local Apprenticeships in your chosen area or invited to Apprenticeship job fairs?
Get in touch with us today to arrange a 1-2-1 team's call with a member of the team. Email or telephone us, or complete an Apprenticeships Learner form: .
- Employability
- Phone and Email
- Apprenticeships Store, Stockport Exchange, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3XE
- Website
- Contact Email
- 0161 474 4745
- Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 06/01/25)
- Availability
Phone Services
Monday- Friday
Hours: 10:00 - 18:30
Immigration Status: All
Region: Stockport
Languages: No information available
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council - Stockport Jobs match
This service offers:
• Job search and application support
• Mentoring
• Paid work experience
• Website resource
• Interview skills
To Access:
Please phone, email or access their website for more information.
- Employability
- Phone and Email
- Mentoring
- Contact Email
- 0161 474 2862
- Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 27/11/24)
- Availability
No schedules available.
Immigration Status: All
Region: Stockport
Languages: No information available
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council - Work Clubs
Work Clubs are a local advice and support service for jobseekers looking to find employment. They also help jobseekers increase their chances of successfully getting a job.
Work clubs give people the opportunity to:
• Share job hunting experiences
• Learn new skills
• Find opportunities
• Meet other jobseekers
• Get advice on interviews, CVs and even volunteering opportunities
Work Clubs are held at:
• The Hardman Centre- Hardman Street, Stockport, SK3 0BJ
• Bridgehall- Bridgehall Community Centre, Siddington Avenue, Bridge Hall, Stockport, SK3 8NR
• Lancashire Hill- Stonemill Terrace, Lancashire Hill, Stockport, SK5 7RZ
• Stockport Homes Work Club (Brinnington)- First House, 367 Brinnington Road, Brinnington, Stockport, SK5 8EN
- Employability
- Drop In
- Contact Email
- 07800 618439
- 07891 949413
- Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 06/01/25)
- Availability
Hardman Centre
Monday & Tuesday
Hours: 09:30 - 12:00
Wednesday & Thursday
Hours: 01:30 - 16:00
Hours: 13:30 - 15:30
Lancashire Hill
Hours: 09:30 - 12:00
Hours: 10:00 - 15:00
Immigration Status: All
Region: Stockport
Languages: No information available
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council - Workforce Development
We offer a range of training options to those who work in the private, voluntary and independent sectors with children and adults in Stockport. This offer includes a range of e-learning courses and classroom based training. Access e-learning courses on safeguarding, food safety, dementia, end of life care, autism and more.
Learning Pool is the home of the council's e-learning courses. It's available to both the council’s workforce and the workforce of its partners. There are courses available on Safeguarding, Social Care, Autism, the Care Act and more.
To Access:
You can access the website by visiting Learning Pool: .
The first time you visit the site you'll need to create a new account.
Adult Social Care Training: access a range of courses for people who work in adult social care or as carers.
The courses currently available are listed below:
• Dysphagia training
• Mental Capacity Act training
•Safeguarding vulnerable adults from abuse (Alerter Training)
• Safeguarding adults referrers training
• Safeguarding adults initial 2 day inquiry officer
• Safeguarding adults inquiry officer refresher
• Self-neglect and hoarding training
• Sensory loss awareness
To book a place find more information on the website.
- Employability
- Online
- Contact Email
- Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 27/11/24)
- Availability
Online 24/7
Immigration Status: All
Region: Stockport
Languages: No information available