Refugee Council

The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. We exist to support and empower people who have fled conflict, violence and persecution in order to rebuild their lives here in the UK.

  • We provide crisis advice, mental health counselling and practical support to help people settle and integrate into their new community.
  • We are specialists in working with refugee children who arrive in the UK alone.
  • We work with refugees and our partners to fight for improvements to the asylum protection system
  • We inspire change in attitudes towards refugees and people seeking asylum—speaking out for compassion fairness and kindness.

Showing 3 of 3 entries

Refugee Council

Refugee Council - Independent Unaccompanied Asylum- Seeking Children Support Service (IUSS)

Last updated 12/03/25

The Refugee Council’s Children’s Panel provides advice and support to separated (unaccompanied) children and young people seeking asylum. The Children’s Panel is funded by the Home Office but we are a fully independent organisation and provide independent advice.

The Children's Advisor, can offer;

• Advice about the asylum process and related matters to separated children and professionals involved. All Children’s Advisors are registered with the OISC (Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner) at Level 1.
• Advocacy for the young person in the form of acting as appropriate/responsible adult during meetings and interviews (e.g LAC reviews, Home office interviews, age assessments).
• Referrals to other services (e.g immigrations/welfare solicitors, Red Cross family tracing, social clubs).
• A means of linking up different professionals involved in the care and support of separated asylum seeking children and young people.

How to access:

Make a referral through the helpline - 0207 346 1134

Young people can contact the freephone helpline 0808 175 3499 or message via Whatsapp 07888 866 615

Drop in every Tuesday at Revive 187 Grey Mare Lane Beswick, Manchester M11 3ND 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Drop in every Friday in Liverpool at asylum link St Annes Church, 7 Overbury St, Liverpool L7 3HJ From 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

Paper referral form available for professionals on request.

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Phone
  • Self Referral
  • Helpline
  • IAA Level 1 (previously OISC)
  • Unaccompanied Children
Contact Email
Contact Phone
07888 866 615
Contact Phone
0808 175 3499
Contact Phone
020 7346 1134
Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 12/03/25)

Professional Phoneline Monday - Friday

Hours: 09:00 - 17:30


Immigration Status: Refused Asylum Seeker, Asylum Seeker

Maximum Age: 18

Region: National


Languages: On Request

Refugee Council

Refugee Council - Infoline

Last updated 12/11/24

Infoline is an England-wide signposting, information and casework service. The service works with people seeking asylum who are experiencing, or at risk of, crisis and destitution.

The Infoline connects people seeking asylum, and those who have received a decision on an asylum claim and are still in asylum support accommodation, with relevant information and services in order to avoid or reduce crisis and destitution.

Signposting is provided by trained volunteers, who are supervised by experienced advisors.  Our advisors provide a limited advice, short-term advocacy and casework service. Referrals for casework depend on criteria and capacity, and are reviewed weekly.

Who can use the Infoline?

- Adults seeking asylum in England: including people who have not yet submitted an asylum claim, people with an active asylum claim, and people who have received a refusal on an asylum claim and who are unable to return to their country of origin.

- Adults who have been recognised as refugees (or have received Humanitarian Protection) in England and are still living in asylum support accommodation.

What types of enquiries can we help with?

We accept enquiries from people in England relating to:

- avoiding or reducing crisis

- overcoming destitution: accessing essential financial support, finding somewhere safe to stay, accessing essential food and clothes

- where to go for support if you are worried about being sent to Rwanda

- how to access immigration advice and what to do in a crisis

- navigating the asylum support system, including for people not accessing support, and for people in hotels (initial and contingency accommodation)

- what to do if asked to leave asylum support accommodation

- accessing healthcare

- understanding rights and entitlements.

We are a very small team. Please be patient if you find it difficult to reach us.

  • Advice and Support
  • Phone
  • Self Referral
  • Helpline
Contact Email
Contact Phone
0808 196 7272
Service Capacity
Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 12/11/24)

Frequency: Weekly

Days: Monday, Thursday

Hours: 09:30 - 12:30


Immigration Status: All

Maximum Age: 18

Region: National


Languages: No information available

Refugee Council

Refugee Council - My View

Last updated 12/11/24

My View children's therapy service is a safe, confidential place for young people to get well-being support through talking, individual creative work, or group therapeutic support.

How to access

Referrals via the form on our website.

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Phone
  • Self Referral
  • Mental Health
Contact Email
Contact Phone
0207 346 1134
Service Capacity
Service is at capacity, any new requests will be significantly delayed.
(last updated - 12/11/24)

Hours: 09:00 - 17:30


Immigration Status: All

Maximum Age: 18

Region: National


Languages: No information available