UK ENIC Last updated 06/01/25


This is a service for people with qualifications gained overseas who would like to compare their qualifications to the UK education system.

Services Include:

Statement of Comparability-

• A general purpose statement of qualification comparability which compares overseas qualifications to the UK education system, comparing them to UK qualifications and framework levels.

• This allows persons with qualifications completed outside of the UK to evidence the comparable level of these in the UK education frameworks.

• This service costs £49.50 plus the price of your chosen delivery option. The time-frame to complete your order is 15 working days from when we receive all necessary documents for each submitted qualification and full payment.

How to access:

Self referral. Need to create an online account via

If you have an urgent query about your application or UK ENIC account, you can call us on +44 (0)330 912 0030. Please make sure you have your unique Enquiry ID ready so that we can assist you as quickly as possible.

  • Employability

UK ENIC, Suffolk House, 68-70 Suffolk Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2ED

Contact Phone

44 (0)330 912 0030

Service Capacity

Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 06/01/25)


Office Hours

Monday to Friday

Hours: 09:00 - 17:00


Immigration Status: All

Region: National


None available