Aid Box Community Last updated 25/02/25

Crisis Fund

Funding of up to £500 for people in crisis where all other avenues have been explored.

ABC has a small pot of money for people who meet the criteria below and this can be applied up to a maximum of £500. Once the application has been made it will be considered by our crisis fund team and the referral partner will be notified of the outcome. At this point ABC may take the steps needed or we may ask the referrer to do so. Please make sure you give as much detail as possible and manage expectations as we predict that there will be a large number of referrals.

Examples of successful applications include:

  • Shoes for street homeless person £35 
  • Prescription glasses £98 
  • Train ticket to medical appointment £24 
  • Contribution to legal fees £500 
  • Bike trailer for family with 2 children with disabilities £200 
  • Leg braces for service user with arthritic knees £12 

How to access

Referral only. Referral partners: BRASP.

To access the ABC Crisis Fund these criteria must be met: 

  • The person must be a refugee, asylum seeker/refused asylum seeker/deemed inadmissible 
  • In crisis and in need of emergency support 
  • Are unable to access this support elsewhere 
  • Without this support their mental/physical health or asylum claim will be adversely impacted 

  • Advice and Support
  • Homelessness and Destitution
  • Referral
  • Financial Support
Service Capacity

Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 25/02/25)


Monday to Thursday

Hours: 09:00 - 17:00


Immigration Status: All

Region: Bristol


Languages: No information available