SKylight Last updated 06/01/25

SKylight - Pathway to Employment

Come along to our job club to find out about the latest opportunities, get help to improve your CV and support searching for jobs.

Join the Skylight Employment team each Friday at First House for our Pathway to Employment Service.

Let the team advise, guide and support you with;

• One to One employment, training and education advice

• Creating a CV

• Preparing for interview

• Completing a job application

• Job searching

Pathway to Employment is proud to introduce new aspects of the service providing opportunities to meet local employers, learn about money saving advice and take part bitesize workshops to maximise your employability!

Our service is free and supports all residents of Stockport.

Complete the contact form to get in touch with a member of the SKylight team via:

  • Employability

First House, 367 Brinnington Rd, Brinnington, Stockport, SK5 8EN

Service Capacity

Service is operating at normal capacity.
(last updated - 06/01/25)




Hours: 09:00 - 14:00


Immigration Status: All

Region: Stockport


None available